Saturday, July 2, 2011

Resistance: Fall of Man Demo REVIEW

I came into this demo knowing that the Resistance franchise was weaker than most of the other Sony titles and that this franchise from the start had a illness of Identity Crisis. Though the demo proved this situation to far worse than it seemed on the outside.

The demo starts with a group of WW2 era-ed soldiers fighting the relentless yet totally confusing Chimera. Not knowing where I was I tried to orient myself with the area, but that took some time since I died plenty of times during this map since I had troubles figuring out where the Chimera were at and where they were shooting from, and that was pretty much everywhere. Before I could make any headway the several deaths caused me to be quite frustrated since I wasn't used to the weapons, controls, and the range on the weapons were surprisingly limited. I found myself having to get closer than safe distances with the event of even more deaths, and this frustrated me even more.

Trying to keep my cool and figuring out the "arena" was just one giant circular flanking machine--I was able to make more headway and score a checkpoint. After the checkpoint happened the Chimera dropshipped into our rear taking me fully by surprised, and not knowing the good cover areas of this arena resulted in more deaths, which I was pretty steamed in my head. I found out that the only way to get to them again is to use the flanking circle and attack their sides which they weren't really progammed to use(thank goodness for stupid AI in this game). Having cleared the second wave of Chimera and scoring another Checkpoint, I found myself fighting a mech that was pretty much programmed only to shoot at me, yay(insert sarcasm here). After dying several more times, it just took some "hit and cover" tactics, several reheals, and a large amount of grenade spam to take down this Pain in the Butt. The level ended and I was about to go my way, 'til another map loaded..yay again.

The second map pretty much started with me waiting to die several more times as me and my rag-tag team of co-patriots(which I couldn't tell if they were american WWIIs or german WWIIs) had to fight several more waves of these pesky bugs. Having found that I had a sniper rifle(which was probably the only real useful gun in this map), I just decided to snipe through the cover(which is pretty nifty) and take down the regular Chimera and even a gigantic exploding one(which was a pain but not as much as the mech). Having analyzed the art style at this point, this game wreaked of Medal of Honor Airborne map-wise but the Chimera were somehow uncannily like the Helghast. The only issue with this is this Resistance demo looked worse then either game, and I felt that I was playing an upscaled PS2 game. That and I couldn't help but feel the developers ripped off the concept of an anime-game close to my heart, Robotech: Invasion.

And that was confused me, this Identity Crisis of Airborne X Killzone X Robotech: Invasion gave the impression that like stated in many articles, the developers didn't know really where to go with this game. It seems this series is more an experiment they started developing on the PS2 and just ported to the PS3 in the aims that this convoluted mix-match of ragtag game ideas would hold up to some solid conclusion. While I can see the merits of this idea, the demo showed that it wasn't implemented that well. It didn't help that the game seems to be just a bundle of a McDonald's happy meal, but instead of getting the almost decent burger, you were given the stale over-salted fries.

ANYWAY, (end rant). Having made my way around the map supposing that my current mission was to just snipe Chimera to death, I found I wasn't making any headway and I wasn't scoring any checkpoints. Seeing how the Chimera came out of an "elevator" I decided to see what was the deal with that and finally got my checkpoint, yay(for reals). Going up the shaft I found myself in the face of a few Chimera that I was able to easily shoot down, and finding out where I was supposed to go I took this time to snipe more Chimera(seeing how my job was to go on these little "elevated perches" and wipe out the MGs and snipers). I went on to flush out the perches with only a few deaths(one of them was me throwing a grenade instead of pushing a button, insta-suicide). Having successfully push the button the second time, I went down the second shaft and found myself toe-to-toe with another giant Chimera.

Thank goodness I could just walk around him and pump him full of bullets since his gun was lame and he wasnt very fast(or bright). He ended up exploding with his remains on the ground(eeew) and me leaving the area ended the demo(finally!).

This demo really gave me an idea that the devs weren't really concerned about the Identity Crisis and just decided to just take chunks from other games in the hopes of making it all fit. While many games do this, most of them do it better than Resistance. That said I found that figuring out the controls by the end gave the demo some enjoyment(the controls were a wierd hash of the Killzone controls, go figure), but I can see why Resistance 2 and Resistance 3 aren't the hottest topics of PS3 gaming.

In my Opinion?

7.2 out of 10

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