Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Winnings and Losings of E3 2011

Ever since E3 2005, I've been always interesting in what the big 3 have to offer(now the big 5 if you count EA and Ubisoft). Ever since the cool gadgets and new consoles were shown at E3 2005, I've been waiting for an E3 that could match that level of cool new stuff and enthusiam. The following 5 years were cumbersome IMO and I've been waiting for the IMO "awesome return" of an uber-E3. Let's see how the big 3(or 5) stack up to E3 2005 and itself.

While I never really pay attention to the MS conference (and I wasn't even there for most of the live feed), I have to say I found the "hardcore" use of Kinect interesting, even though everything it did was probably more comfortable on a controller IMO, that and the shovelware to follow was another given reason not to take Kinect seriously, and that the hardcore elements were just gimmicks. MW3 also didn't present anything new, since the gameplay seemed the same from the last two MWs, just a new setting that was still...MW.

Grade: C-

I have to say Sony came out full-force, comparable to what they did at E3 2006 with big titles that were from their own studios, and then some. Resistance 3 while not an original title showed people that the PS sharpshooter can prove more useful than the PS Move's original design, even though the Sharpshooter looks like the Duck Hunt guns from NES. The Uncharted 3 stealth level was uncannily bridging on Splinter Cell, and was impressed they were able to pull off more graphics techniques even though Uncharted 2 was already maxing out the PS3 to most of its extents. That and the NGP(Now PS Vita) was able to price match the 3DS and showed that the sensor controls were actually interesting, pretty much the Vita will kick some 3DS butt once it releases IMO.

Grade: A+

Nintendo...meh. I only had 30 minutes to watch the conference, and to my demise the first 30 minutes was spent on an orchestra playing zelda music...a waste of time IMO. The slow presentation killed my chance to see anything interesting during the live feed, I just wanted to see the new console darn it! After coming home from school I found that the Wii U was...yeah. The controller looks like a freaking Ipad, and the only thing I got out of it was the graphics were comparable to PS3 and 360, only better on the 1080p and texture front IMO. That and the 3DS games shown were already announced from last E3 onward to this E3, so it seems the 3DS is pretty much dead before it even was alive, that and being the same price of the new Vita and 3D-caused medical problems showed that Nintendo has no clue what it was doing.

Grade: D

Now onto EA and Ubisoft conferences:

While the conference started off pretty slow, the mostly-impressive demonstration of Mass Effect 3 was cunning and well-executed. The game looked balanced, fun, and showed that some people can actually use the original UE3 to its limits(rendering a large city spanning miles, whew). Battlefield 3 pretty much won the show though after its unprecedented realistic graphics, impressive Tank mechanics, and utterly amazing gameplay shown also in the Metro map...I was a happy Battlefield fan.

Grade: A+

I have to say, I wasn't impressed with Mr. Caffeine, the dude's obnoxiousness and slur words seemed almost scripted(probably they were) and probably was the reason why the audience became deadbeat. The Rayman game while interesting was almost like a throwback to the original third-party platformers of the SNES, almost in some ways too nostalgic. Future Soldier pretty much floored me with the impressive step in detail and the awesome execution of co-op gameplay, that and AC: Revelations showed some impressive graphics and in some ways even physics during the boat explosions.

Grade: B

Well that's pretty much it for me, the overall score of E3 2011?

Grade: A

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