Now for most of the people who know me, I'm a shooter gamer buff. I like my guns, mecha, and just blowing stuff up and taking names. That said sometimes there WILL be a non-gaming media hit that catches my eye, probably because it's pretty much shooter gamer buff stuff in anime form. This recent sometime would be Appleseed: Ex Machina, where there are guns mecha, just blowing stuff up, and taking names, in anime form.
The movie starts off with "who are these people?" for the first ten minutes, that and the art style takes about that much time getting used to. The cel-shaded, oozing anime-style is obvious as some people mentioned before, the graphics seem like an up-scaled japanese game. After the opening scene ends and you're eyes adapt to the style, there is nothing but action really here on out. The characters don't take long to get used to and like, and if you're an Action/Romance buff like me who is a sucker for stuff like Robotech, there is plenty of low-key mushy stuff to mellow you out between the action-packed sequences.
The character design is a masterpiece, and like most anime buffs like me, you'll get your healthy dose of buff dudes, hot chicks, and cheesy but also relatable dialogue. That said, I was somewhat amazed that they were able to sneak in an F-bomb in this PG-13 title, but the scene with it is quite short. Also with that said the story is almost edging on Star Trek themes, to which I'm not going to spoil that point for you. Obviously they gave the movie universal Sci-fi appeal for the cautious westerners who may be put off with the anime design.
With that said, I found the movie a blast with my perfect mix of Action/Romance, Anime, and Cool/Attractive characters that I think was money beyond well spent. I see me definitely watching this movie multiple times and add to my personal Robotech collection.
In my opinion?
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