Thursday, June 30, 2011

KILLZONE 3: Single Player Demo Review

After constantly remembering how awesome the KZ3 beta was despite a small setback(the ravage moaning), I decided to break down and finally play the KZ3 Single Player Demo.

Just like the beta, the game starts up with a calm yet awesome opening scene, and once you get to the menu itself, you can't help but think "This game is gonna be awesome!".

The demo comes with a Campaign and Co-op Campaign, but since I had nobody to play with(since my bro would kill me if he found out I played the demo), I was forced to play just the Campaign.

Now, this demo doesnt start off with you just sitting in a calm place with being able to take in your surroundings, no. They instantly at the beginning have you on a landing craft swirling around the icy bases of the Helghast, and you're pretty much already given the situation of "kill or be killed".

Even though this initially caught me off-guard, it only took me a few seconds to calibrate my senses and start mowing down death upon the Helghast, and quite interestingly attack the weakspots of their mini-bases that ended up in the collapse of them into the icy water. Now, while all this is happening I couldn't help but notice the graphics were so good that I was like "This is a game?". I wouldn't be far from the truth that while the game runs in 720p, that the graphics themselves speak of 1080p...or above!

Since one of my friends asked about what the story was behind Killzone, the mission at hand was to rescue one of your ISA comrades who has become a POW of the Helghast, and that the Helghast were shipping in POWs to this icy part of Helghan. After you're done sending Helghast to their icy-like watery graves. You're landing craft is shot down and for a few minutes your character and buddy have to take on the Helghast on foot. I was a little disoriented at that point but after a few minutes found myself figuring out which way to go and where the Helghast were coming from. After killing a few of them I still couldn't help but see the visuals and think "Not even real-life looks this good".

After making our way into a shipwreck I found myself fighting jetpacked Helghast, that while were a pain to fight (one of them tried to pull a Kamikaze by slamming him and his jetpack for a final blast at me), We were "rescued" but my character opted in to use one of the Helghan jetpacks for himself. This part of the story was pretty much that the AA guns of the Helghast were mowing down landingcraft, so it was my job by jetpack to fly in low and demo-charge the gun.

While making my way onto the platform that  had the AA gun, it took quite awhile to get used to the jetpack controls, and you're pretty much cannon fodder if the Helghast fire at you while airborne. This pretty much forced me to hit and run with the jetpack before all of them were dead and I could safely plant the charge, which was confusing since the icon wasn't all that apparent and you had to tilt the PS3 controller in an interactive "arming the charge" mini-game. The charge set I was able quickly set it off and I was like "that was cool". But the demo didn't stop there...

Thinking the demo charging of the AA Gun was the end of the demo, I was surprised to see that it took me to another cinematic where we landed on a much larger macro-base spewing with Helghast. Cover was key as me and my character buddy flanked to the left into a building that was crawling with Helghast, after flushing them out with grenade spam and kills I made my way to the top of the complex, our goal to use one of their stationery homing rocket launchers. Before doing this though I found a mini-sniper rifle (mini-sniper because it was semi-automatic and the scope showed enemies that were only so far, but it came in real handy since I could still attack enemies that were in my face.

Having made our way to the rocket launchers, it should of been obvious that a tank would appear to show off its awesome boom-bashing power. That and also having destroyed several targets my character buddy wanted to bring the gun with us, while confused about this I found out the stationery rocket launcher can also be put in portable mode. So I took it with me and started blowing up several targets that it homed in on, the only issue is I kept having to go back to the ammo box to resupply. After several minutes and destroying yet another Helghast tank we made our way to the other side of the base to flush them out.

After doing this I made my way into the base with another cinematic, the cinematic had my character speaking to the Helghast commander through the Helghast gas mask, and lying that the ISA were destroyed. The scene ended there with a trailer signifying the actual end of the demo.

This demo was pretty much shooter heaven in how it looked and played with only a couple of issues I found with the jetpack disadvantage and having to constantly resupply the mobile mode of the rocket launcher. Besides that the demo is pretty much perfect.

In my Opinion?

9.2 Out of 10

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