Tuesday, June 21, 2011

GhostZone: Technical Readouts

This is probably a first that I had to make a second blog post about the same game during the same day, but Ghostzone might become my second baby compared to WW3:MC.

I have a simple layout of the maps that will be in Ghostzone, which if the game is released there will be a total launch window of 10 maps.

MAP ONE: Ashes

info: A totally volcanic map set in a town next to one erupting, the map focuses on CQC tactics and small vehicle combat.

MAP TWO: Lavaland

info: a map that takes place in a city farther from the volcanoes, the map focuses on long-range tactics and tank warfare.

MAP THREE: Snowbent

info: even though the volcanoes nearby are erupting, this snowy abyss features a frozen dam and two cities parallel to each other, the map focuses on strategic combat and small vehicle combat on the dam, tank warfare within the two cities.


info: This lava-burnt forest leaves much to be desired as far as geurilla warfare, map focuses on mid-range combat and intricite vehicle tactics.

MAP FIVE: Twister

info: A nighttime map that most of the visibility comes from the surrounding lava and hazey smoke, map focuses on long-range warfare and hovercraft tactics.

MAP SIX: Berlin

info: A burnt down futuristic take on Germany's capitol, map focuses on all levels of combat.


info: The french sea has seen better days, the surrounding water is polluted with steaming lava pits and cover is few and far between. map focuses in gut tactics and all-range warfare.

MAP EIGHT: Mother Russia

info: blood runs cold when a russian city is attacked from the outside, map focuses on one side in the city while the other side attacks from its surroundings. The outter team has tank warfare while the inner team has jeeps.

MAP NINE: Black Haze

info: England is under siege when the invading force uses hovercraft in an attempt to take the shore, the other side has hovercraft and jeeps. Focus is mid-ranged warfare.

MAP TEN: Final Reality

info: The HQ of the Neo Nazis burrowed in an old german city, map focuses on all-out strategic combat and all levels of vehicle warfare.


Due to this being a Battlefield-esque game, the game will launch with the following modes.

Team Deathmatch: Point-based rounds with vehicle kills/deaths scoring more points than infantry kills/deaths.

Conquest: Battlefield-based Base-capturing which is based on tickets that are influenced by not only how many kills but how much of the map a team controls.

Objective: the round has a scripted path which the attacking team must complete objectives within a certain time limit, similar to the Killzone 3 beta matches and Brink/Quake Wars.

Training: Scared of going into Multiplayer right at the start? Training is all the maps but with AI for you to get your feet wet without the stress of real players. You don't get any progression though.


It's pretty much a given in nowaday shooters to have a rudementary class system that keeps you in the game while minimizing complexity. GhostZone will have a such system and here are the current classes.

Assault: Uses standard rifles as well as multiple types of grenades and a grenade launcher.

Scout: Uses sniper rifles as well as a pistol for CQC-defense.

Medic: uses SMGs as well as a shock paddle and medpacks.

Engineer: Uses shotguns as well as tank mines, and repairs vehicles.

Support: Uses standard MGs, Anti-Armor Launchers, and ammo packs.

MP: Uses Tasers, Riot Shields, batons(melee), and non-lethal takedowns.


While most shooters only allow Melee attacks to be in-your-face tactics, in real life you think this wouldn't be the case for people who are less worried about their knife. GhostZone gives you the ability to actually throw the knife using the aiming mechanism used for the guns. If you were a little fool-hardy into thinking your knife was close enough, just give it a whirl to still get the kill you wanted. That and if you get even closer your character will actually grab your opponent for a quick neck slice, instead of having to worry about being in the dude's face.

GhostZone's graphics palette will be a happy medium of the art styles of Killzone 3 and Crysis 2.A fully realized battlefield for vehicles to do their thing and immersive infantry visuals. The game will be dark with the emphasis of showcasing "the horrors of war". War is bleak, and it should stay that way.

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