Saturday, April 23, 2011

Shooters and cliches: What is exactly plagueing FPSes and why people say "meh".

Everyone knows that shooters are my favorite gaming genre, and that I can dish out some real pain on them. That said I can also understand why some of my friends call them "yawn", "boring", or downright "trash". It's true in some ways, if not in most ways. Shooters is probably in the the top 2 league of having the most repetive, generic, and downright cheesey titles and utter shovelware. Whether it be PS3, 360, Wii, past consoles ,and especially PC, not only does shovelware come to mind but in the most crude sense of term, there is "cloneware" and "crossoverware" to be had.

Call of Duty has been the same game for many generations, to the point of creating an almost endless divide between it's base. There are people who are willing to buy any version possible even though they get pwned at it, and the people who scorn, hate, and downright say "Add vehicles already!".

Battlefield being my former favorite series, has plagued itself with bad PR, interesting but gimmicky physics, non-consistent gameplay, and a fanbase growing slowly but surely tired of its development tactics. That and the utter and almost yawning motivation to dethrone COD.

Fallout is mostly the bane of my existence, even more than COD. Bethesda has practically turned my favorite genre into a genre filled with casual noobs who need some "training wheels" just to get a few missions done. Not only that but it has ran the post-apocalytpic setting into the ground thanks to its nuclear fallout settings, you can't really get more redundant than Fallout, unless you REALLY tried.

Quake/Doom/RAGE: Id Software is known as the creator and/or pioneer of FPSing, and with that said they have a timid but massive following, that like COD, most of their fanbase are willing to buy any or all their products. Quake 3's engine is also known for being the standard coding for many shooters outside of Id Software, and to this day supposedly some of that engine's coding holds to newer titles such as COD. Doom is nothing but Quake in semi-horror form, but besides that I don't see any other appeal. RAGE is pretty much Id's Quake version of Fallout, but without the wheels and all hardcore. That said if Id is going cliche, does this mean the end of the FPS genre as we know it?

Star Trek/Wars: These two licenses have had their fair share of hit and misses in the shooting genre. While Elite Force proved be a good contender(supposedly running on Quake 3 code), I think LucasArts did pretty well with the Republic Commando and Battlefront franchise. The only thing urking me is they have not had the brains to make RC2 or BF3...and I hope to say "yet".

Warhammer: Another bane of my existence, inbetween Fallout and COD, is Warhammer 40k. The developers have taken a run-of-the-mill RTS series and slapped on an FPS camera and gun....desecration to the genre with no mercy. It's tasteless sub-fantasy and semi-Sci-fi appeal has garnered many praises, but it looks like nothing more than WoW on steroids with FPS controlling. Get out!

Resident Evil: While this is a quite respected series, it is another crossoverware that many shooter fans find downright corny. While the originals were known to be totally appealing to the suvival/horror genre. The series has turned into "Horror for shooter fans", and with that Horror on training wheels, a similar demeanor like Fallout. That said it comes no where to as bad as fallout, but does get a bit cheesey.

Halo: goodness do I hate this series, it has committed so many shooter sins that I have lost count. This series has caused more noobs to enter the shooter genre while it's sleeping than COD can do when it's awake. Most non-shooter fans claim this series as the main reason why they dont play or buy shooters, its cheesey story and dialogue, ultimately-casual and repetitive gameplay, and it's foul-mouthed underagelings can be more annoying than Fallout itself. Die Halo...die.

Well that pretty much wraps it up for me...if you have more additions to this tell.

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