For those who don't know me completely(I doubt even my family does) I hope I can clarify my feelings and thoughts on how I see the world. You might have seen my making long random jokes or discussing my theories, reviews, or excitement about gaming, but I feel like at this time I should pour out my whole soul to those who can bare with me.
First off, everyone who has known me at this point knows me as some sort of gamer. You may also know that I am quite picky on how high a quality I like my's gotten to the point where 7 out of the 10 is the lowest I will usually ever go(exceptions being Lost Planet series). You may also know my ears are only for those composers who you can feel the instruments, emotion, and "game" through the music. People such as Hitoshi Sakimoto, Keiki Kobayashi, and few others have gotten my total respect as true composers.
For those who think I am biased and that I only enjoy FPS or Action games. I stink at RPGs, even with dedicated runthroughs I haven't even been able to finish all of my favorite RPGs. I would gladly enjoy them even more, but usually I am quite content when I am able to watch them being played. That said if I didn't find my safe haven of being able to actually acquire skill in action or FPS games I wouldn't be much of a gamer, but thanks to my first entries such as Joint Operations and BF2(still the best shooter IMO) I not only found my most "friendly" genre, but living in a military family I can flex some of my real world knowledge and interest through them.
Onward to about 2006 my addictive gaming qualities had pretty much diminished to where there are few and far between games that hold or gain my interest, and I am never one to (usually) buy into overrated or overhyped products (I am talking to you Call of Dullness). That was also the year where after watching the independent Robotech sequel film that I gained some interest in joining the animation industry, and the beautiful artwork that anime presented has made me negatively biased against 3D animations, though Toy Story is pheniminal in my opinion still.
Either or I would like a career in the entertainment industry, though I still prefer to become my dream producer job and create my old but still unused idea called WW3: MC, and others. People might be surprised(at least a little) how much feeling and thought goes through my heart and mind almost endlessly, and even though I might disagree with people on things I hope I will continue to find agreeable subjects so I can keep my friends and gain new ones.
Now and Forever....
Very Profound!!!