Saturday, November 12, 2011


Expectations: After having played the first GRAW and enjoying it's sense of realism while maintaining the "futuristic flexing muscle" of Tom Clancy...I had kept my expectations to at least the level of the original GRAW. That said I was expecting to get killed plenty of times since you're not a bullet-sponge, but like other Tom Clancy games it's either kick butt or get butt kicked.

Initial Impressions: First things first, GRAW 1 was technically an Xbox 360 game (though there was a PC and PS2 version, they were not the "real" GRAW 1), and so the difference in controlling made a difference, even though you could use the Sixaxis to slide, barrel roll, or jump into cover...this seemed more of a gimmick since you could do the same by just pressing the right button combination.

GRAW 1 on Xbox 360 had more vibrant colors, allies had brownish uniforms, the cross-com system seemed like a light blue, environments were mostly clearly lit and stunningly detailed, and enemies were easier to make out with their red and green get-ups. GRAW 2 has changed this whole entire matter into making almost the entire environment shades of brown and gray, and you're clothing pretty much "blends into the bland" reverse-detailing. If you were to compare both games to Future Soldier (the next major title in the series), GRAW 1's coloring were closer to Nigeria where GRAW 2 is as dis-colored as the Soviet map. With all this said, the underlying resolution detail of GRAW 2 is improved (though having only about two different colors...doesn't do you much good).

The Game: With all this said, the game starts off with a bang and starts off where GRAW 1 ends. The point is simple in both games; try to take out the mexican rebels and neutralize their nuke arsenal before they can launch them into the US, and at this point it IS as hard as it sounds. The game has more solo missions than the first game, but also more "support" missions than the first also, which means pretty much in the same amount of time to finish the campaign the game seems multiplied on all fronts mission-wise. Solo missions are of course some of the more frustrating missions, but after awhile (with the right equipment) seem easier if you keep yourself out of enemy fire's way. "Suppport" Missions, as in having not only a squad, but also Strykers, Tanks, and even Choppers at your disposal to kick major butt...You can't help but say "HECK YEAH, THIS ROCKS" when you're little "army" is killing thugs and blowing up almost everything. Probably as previously in the first GRAW, the "Chopper Gunner" parts seem cool at first, but they get boring after awhile. Shooting people with a poorly accurate Fixed Gun on a Black Hawk just seems more like "lets get your blood going" than actual fun, and these tend to be shallow of checkpoints almost intentionally, since if you forget to take out a few tanks, whatever your protecting is doomed and Mission Failed.

Story: The story is nothing special, but how it's coordinated and presented keeps you motivated on your "Call of Duty". Dialog is engaging, you feel connected to the characters, and the relationships built by the previous GRAW into this one gives you a sense of loyalty and immersion within the confines on how epic (and dangerous) the plot is. That and you can't turn down a lead soldier with a whispering, somewhat gravely voice in these kind of games.

Music: Tom Clancy games have some of the best shooter music this side of the pond, and Tom Salta at the front makes this definitely so. From epic orchestrated booming themes, to even other epic "danger" pieces, you won't be disappointed with the music as it helps pushing you on mentally and emotionally. Anyone who has a good taste in music should search up the GRAW(1 and 2) OST.

Graphics: As I said before, the game is a bit of a back and forward step in the right direction from what was previously done in GRAW 1. Lack of vibrant or decent assortment of colors kind of takes away any sense of coloring detail, but the fact that the textures are more detailed with what they got keep the game in a more darker state, which probably plot-wise what Ubisoft was going for.

Fun-Factor: The game is fun if you don't get in a situation where you're undermanned and outgunned (some of this is due to long "hold your position missions" or the fact you let most of your squad get killed, and it's a pain to fight solo in a mission where you're meant to have back-up), but besides that the game is pretty awesome, and the controls feel tight and "right" most of the long as you can shoot the enemies most of the time, you'll progress at a decent rate.

What could have been better: Less "On Chopper Rails Gunner" sessions and the somewhat too-prolonged ending for the story, and in some ways the story doesn't end on the most positive note.


Graphics: 8.8/10
Gameplay: 8.5/10
Music: 9.5/10
Story: 8.7/10

Overall: 9.2/10

"Epic When Fun"

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