Now I've been pretty harsh on the Resistance franchise, but I've been given ample kindness to be allowed in the Resistance 3 beta. Since I haven't turned down a beta yet, I decided to download and install said beta.
At first glance, the graphics have been vastly improved over the original demo I've played. The pallete is more vibrant (unlike IGN's statements), and the modeling is more robust and the pixelation is almost a thing of the past. If it weren't for the chimera, you wouldn't even think it was the same franchise.
That said, some of the issues still remain, and someways worse and someways better.
First off, the Half-life oozing is still there, and even more so in the beta map. If I were to be harsh on this series again, the whole beta map is filled with rocky textures, lush plants, and a whole setting that just speaks of Half-life 2 scenery. It was just as if the devs just copy and pasted and added some nice rendering effects.
On the note of rendering effects, it's hard NOT to notice the motion-blur, as running and shooting is almost nauseating if you're not too careful, I know Capcom is a fan of motion blur, but these devs take it to more extremes.
Also, just like Killzone, these devs like to toy with the players minds of being able to make heads or tails of WHO you are ACTUALLY shooting. I could have sworn that some of my deaths were teamkills, until the killcam stated otherwise. The chimera are almost purposely human-colored, with brown torsos, gloves, and a "blue jeans" that make me rage a bit. This doesnt help when you play as Chimera, since having the humans shoot at you feel very wrong since at your first person angle your model doesn't even give any indication that your the aliens.
That said, Killzone was also quite notorious with making the Helghast somewhat Identical to the ISA, to where in that beta I felt like everybody was shooting me.
It's almost as if With Sony shooters, including Uncharted 3, that the devs want to make the enemies not too similar, but similar enough to play head games with your eyes to where you throw a fit in rage.
Going on with the impressions, I have to say the weapons and controls feel much more enjoyable and too clunky. I have to actually say I actually felt like I was using a gun instead of the original Resistance where the guns felt like pop-cap replicas when it came to actually killing bad guys.
That and the graphics look pretty good, without really noticing any aliasing at 720p.
That's about if for me, stay tuned for more impressions.
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