Tuesday, July 19, 2011

REAL-G: Real-Time Graphics of the Future

Real-Time Graphics of the Future
The Real-G pipeline is a future initiative to bring unparalleled real-time or gaming graphics to the quality of movies like Avatar. After AMD spoke out about the next Xbox having Avatar-quality graphics, people couldn’t help but laugh at the claim.
Even though it sounds like a funny bold statement, I was thinking…Such a future could be achievable with the current goals, and Real-G is based on those goals.
First, we need to stop treating consoles as gaming machines, and instead of just up-scaling graphics as our main priority, we need to think parallel on the CGI front. That is, come to a median where we should also take on experts of movie-geared CGI so we are also taking into account “down-scaling” on the other front. We need to think of graphics on a double plane. Real-G would take into account people like Digital Frontier who are experts in CGI, but also take in people like Nvidia and AMD/ATI so that we reach a double plane that can push real-time or gaming graphics further. Add graphics features applicable on both fronts, and created the most advanced graphics engine/pipeline known to the industry.
Second, since this is a joint venture between both fronts, Real-G must have technologies that negate the need for upgrades. One of these technologies would be Infi-Res, similar to the tech used in Gearbox games where the Resolution of the graphics/game will up-scale and update itself to all demands. Another technology would be a more standard function of scaling the quality of the models/textures themselves, to where based on the task at hand you can either up-scale or down-scale particular assets.
The engine would support Stereo-3D, seeing how this is meant as a double front graphics engine that would use CGI-quality features.
Real-G would be an on-going project, to where each “tech demo” would be treated as a mini-movie, each one maxing out a certain goal to the best of the consoles/PCs capabilities, the engine would have to be extremely optimized, but not to the point of sacrificing key CGI-based features. If the console can’t run the rudimentary features, the console/PC would be disqualified.
Real-G’s features as a graphics-pipeline would not take into account game-play, this is to make sure the graphics engine is running primarily on the GPU where it belongs, and being as CPU-less as possible so the CPU can focus more on game-play.
Real-G’s meaning is pretty self-explanatory, a double meaning of “Real-time” and “Real-Graphics”
I think any company or graphics technician who is serious about advancing Real-time graphics on a double front should consider proposals like Real-G.

1 comment:

  1. Very professional upgrade on the Homepage. It does seem easier than some people want to believe
