I warned you, here comes part 2 of the Mobile Ops Initiative.
Now getting back to the story of Mobile Ops, it would be interesting if the plot took some points from MGS4 and other recent titles, and that is the nature of PMC warfare. It would be a fresh start if the hero and his crew of friends/allies had to fight more than just a direct enemy, and that would be side skirmishes with PMCs hired by the enemy. That being said it would also be a fresh change if the enemy wasn't obvious like in most Gundam stories, and the notion of more westernized political intrigue took over, giving you the sense of a "Gundam Black Ops" pilot. Gundam Wing had a similar flair since most of the pilots in that series were to quick too be widely noticed, and adding a sense of Stealth to gundam for once would counteract the familiar feeling of always having the enemy coming at you while in the open. Like I said before the addition of fighter or tank-only missions would keep the player at a more tactical level instead of an all-out warmachine.
The canon mechs are there since the original gundam did supply models for fighters, tanks, and sniper mecha. It all depends if the mecha could be upgraded to be more limber and agile than just giant clunkers. That and being rid of the need for space warfare would ease the design since space has never been a friendly battlefield in most combat games unless in a RTS setting.
Now with all this tactical and stealth motive the game has, it would be obvious to implement having the main players camouflage-aware. Too many sci-fi stories ignore this all together and have their characters noticable in plain sight, and kudos to Metal Gear Solid for being smart enough to take that out of the norm. Camouflaged Mecha and Individuals are a must to give the game the needed realistic oomph this kind of reboot needs.
Well that's it for part 2...expect more in the future.
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