Many a forum fall to the wrath of console wars and bashing or flaming. People get banned, forums are ruined, but the battle never ends. There is yet another battle that since the early 2000s has been kindled by the fuel of furious gamers. The war between JRPGs(Japanese or Eastern RPGs) and WRPGS(American or Western RPGs) has begun ever since people wanted to make RPGs based on Star Wars, Dungeons and Dragons, and popular titles like "The Lord of the Rings". On the east side is treasures like Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, and other such titles like Fire Emblem.
Both genres of RPGs have very unique aspects that cater to usually two sets of RPG gamers. To the point of where it is hard to believe that both genres were rooted by the same origins that is Pen and Paper or Paper and Dice RPGs. Both started at class-centric character-based brawls against hordes of horrible fantasy creatures. Usually each "party" of each genre captured the essence of a "warrior", "magic user", "thief", or "tank" like character. As the genres spewed over in their respective regions the classes expanded into culture ideals and soon became very unique.
You would never find a "white, black, or red" mage in a WRPG, and you would never find an actual labeled "elf" in a JRPG(though there is few exceptions such as Final Fantasy XIV and such who use alternative naming). Though there are quite a few linking traits that keep each genre that self same overarching genre of "RPG". Warriors use armor, magic users wear cloaks or comfy clothing, and usually you have the "tank" class that can pound a house into brown sugar with their huge weapon, and of course "Dragons", and so forth.
The point is this rant is I think in the near future people should try making a "bridge" game. A game that combines the aspects of the "J and W" side of RPGs and can turn it into something grand. A Lord of the Rings game designed by mistwalker(aka Sakaguchi)? A Final Fantasy game made by Bioware? Possibilities in my opinion are quite endless since it's practically a game of mix and match for game developers. A game that is not purely "J" or "W" but just..."RPG".
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