Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Year in Review: My favorite 2011 Games as well as my anticipated games for 2012

It's been awhile since I posted, and with that another year bites the dust. This is that time where we have to say, "2011, how many games did I even buy?" and "Am I even gonna find anything to buy this year since it's 2012?". Well, like any year...it's hard to find the cream of the crop based on your personal taste, but last year I have to say I bought some games that were worth noting, as well as maybe a few that I wish I never even touched.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution: An Action/Tactical/FPS/RPG hybrid that is for people who like shooting people, but also want an engrossing storyline filled with RPG-style inventories, upgrades, and the like. The story is one of the best I ever seen, and hope to find the time to beat the game. My last post about this game IIRC was me giving the preview build a master score...10/10

Killzone 3: Need I say more? After absolutely loving the beta, and finally coming out the closest and buying the game...there's no other game quite like it that you can enjoy being the "bad guys", stabbing, snapping, smacking, and just any kind of means of killing somebody that you can find...It's not Killzone just because of the title...It pretty much the most enjoyable game that breaking people's faces is such a glorious view to see.

Battlefield 3: The latest and probably almost-greatest battlefield title, a true sequel that brings back some of the largest battle-maps known on PC, as well as distractingly-realistic graphics and quite satisfying gameplay, PC gaming has been taken to the next level.

Portal 2: Co-op puzzle-solving, it was not only glorious but mind-provoking, hilarious, and just all bouts of fun. I have yet to get around to beating the story mode, but the co-op was AWESOME.

LBP2: I haven't touched in awhile, but if you like LBP(1) then this is what the doctor ordered since in a sense you can "program" your own games with a more robust level/stage making system.

Skyward Sword: Any Legend of Zelda game I have played I have also enjoyed, and Skyward Sword is no different.

Brink: Probably my only regret of 2011, this game was ridiculously broken as far as CPU-AI being able to kick your butt and how unbalanced the maps were...probably 2/3 to 3/4 of online battles were one-sided at the first objective...meh!

Now onto 2012!

Soul Calibur V: The Fan-demanded return to the most graphically-robust Fighting series has arrived; with new characters, a new and updated art style, and hopefully a more complex series of game modes and lengthy story-lines which made the fourth installment kind of shallow in the gameplay department..hopefully for some the modes are more in comparison to the size of the third version as well as keeping the amazingly detailed visuals of the fourth.

Final Fantasy XIII-2: Returning back to a more open-world and more robust fighting system and world...Those who were highly disappointed by how linear the original game was will hopefully find more enjoyment in the second installment..if the story is less confusing as the craziest trailers are showing.

Binary Domain: Deadly Robots that look like people taking over the world and being made to look like people, and they THINK they ARE people...There's something wrong with that. Enter the Binary Domain...A world where both Humans and Robots co-exist, and probably not for the best. Hollow Children, robots given Human thought and form have begun invading all levels of society, not knowing in secrecy that they are indeed just robots. You take command as a UN sanctioned Spec Ops squad called the Rust Crew, and come Feb 12 you will be able to engross yourself in maybe the best story-based Third Person Shooters outside of the western-made market. The Graphics are gorgeous, the gameplay looks sick, and there's nothing like bashing tin-heads in glorious fashion!

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier: The somewhat odd-5 or so six year return of one of the greatest squad-tactical shooters is back...from the future! Whether it be cloak suits, mark and execute mechanics, streamlined and robust teamplay, and advances in graphics thanks to the hard work at Ubisoft...This game looks amazing and probably well best the fabled and frenetic predecessor that was GRAW.

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City: Welcome back to probably the most viewed part of history in the Resident Evil series...The outbreak of Umbrella's virus unleashed on the citizens of Raccoon City. Spanning the famed timeline of all of RE2, RE3, and the outbreak files series..you get the chance not not only play as the kick-butt force of the U.S.S., but have the chance to change canon buy eliminated fan-favorite icons such as Leon and Claire. Nothing but conspiracy awaits as you choose your preferred U.S.S. Agent, and fight off the waves of zombies and other filth that roam the streets and buildings. The game brings a new grasp of depth with fully-functional shooter controls and squad-based "tactical horror". Let's hope Vector and his comrades bring an unforgettable and awesome spin-off to one of the most famous game series known worldwide.

Resident Evil: Revelations: The most graphically-robust game as of now on the 3DS, as Capcom is working their PS3/360/PSV/Current Gen PC Engine magic on this handheld...it is pretty much a game that makes the Wii cry as far as visuals go. The story rumoured to take place between RE3 and RE5, where both Jill and Chris have been seperated for several years. The gameplay is similar but more advanced version of RE5/RE4...with some features just made for the 3DS such as zombies and such popping out the screen. The gameplay creepy, the graphics amazing for its system, and just downright how cool the story may seem...the 3DS might have a system-seller on its hands.

Ninja Gaiden III: As of right now coming out the same day as RE:ORC...you play as the famous and lofty ninja/assassin known as Ryu Hayabase. As almost as a semi-reboot of the series where action and story-telling has replaced the known and almost distastefully famous amounts of violence and gore...it is no longer the savage ninja-equivalent of Mortal Kombat. Ryu shows newcomers how awesome and kick-butt ninja's are with his platforming, sword-fighting, and just plain awesome super-moves...that and cute anime-style chicks are still making a comeback, so no worries there.

All other games past these in 2012 are still up in the air, as this year is still new and just getting started...

Hope you enjoyed this Year in Review and keep your eyes glued on this blog...cheers!